ATLAS Weyhausen Air Filters l Equivalents

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Filters for ATLAS Weyhausen Equipment

Atlas Weyhausen (Germany) - manufacturer of construction and road equipment. Currently, the Group comprises a group of companies ATLAS Weyhausen GmbH and F. Weyhausen AG & Co. KG. The range of products is vast and includes road rollers, wheel loaders, tractors, excavators and others.

Atlas technique widely used in road construction and in the c / s industry, horticulture and landscaping. This is possible thanks to the variation of attachments: buckets, forks, grips, rippers equipment to disperse the sand, snow removal and more.

NEW FILTER delivers high quality separators for ATLAS-WEYHAUSEN, Atlas excavators filters, hydraulic systems, as well as filter cartridges Atlas, not inferior in performance and operating parameters of the prototype. Our counterparts filters Atlas will save the cost of repairs and maintenance of your installation up to 40% cheaper.

Filters for ATLAS Weyhausen Equipment

  (044) 500-86-59

Part numbers

6001955    2981124 4653950 275669 431181
2911788 2991557 466535 275792 441887
1318209 3621074 466546 276139 441898
1356636 3621085 4683309 276149 441923
1688911 362972 810817 276956 442004
2601863 363020 815958 276964 444898
2601874 363031 831038 276998 448898
2610831 371291 837620 277004 451867
2649370 376774 848924 277517 451878
2654140 387493 852931 277707 458455
2654435 387620 853932 277715 4613418
2654548 423841 869065 2911788 463009
2694580 424580 869076 2981124 4653950
275651 431181 1318209 2991557 466535
275669 441887 1356636 3621074 466546
275792 441898 1688911 3621085 4683309
276139 441923 2601863 362972 810817
276149 442004 2601874 363020 815958
276956 444898 2610831 363031 831038
276964 448898 2649370 371291 837620
276998 451867 2654140 376774 848924
277004 451878 2654435 387493 852931
277517 458455 2654548 387620 853932
277707 4613418 2694580 423841 869065
277715 463009 275651 424580 869076

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